
before harvest Learn more about before harvest

  • What kind of fertilizer should be applied to persimmon trees before and after harvest?

    What kind of fertilizer should be applied to persimmon trees before and after harvest?

    What kind of fertilizer should be applied to persimmon trees before and after harvest? Why do we have to apply fertilizer after harvest? Persimmon should apply nitrogen and potassium fertilizer before and after fruit harvest, replenish tree nutrients in time and improve the nutritional level of persimmon trees, which is beneficial to normal flowering and fruiting in the second year. The specific method is: apply pre-harvest fertilizer 15-20 days before persimmon fruit harvest.

  • What should you pay attention to before harvesting wheat?

    What should you pay attention to before harvesting wheat?

    What should you pay attention to before harvesting wheat? The following points should be paid attention to in harvesting wheat: first, the most suitable harvest stage for wheat is from the end of wax ripening to the full ripening stage. The suitable harvest time is high yield, good quality and high germination rate. Early harvest, not full grain, low yield and poor quality. The harvest is too late.

  • When will the walnuts be harvested?

    When will the walnuts be harvested?

    When will the walnuts be harvested? Please introduce that the yield of walnut mainly depends on the volume of walnut and the weight of single fruit. When the walnut reaches the near ripening stage, the size of the fruit is basically fixed. There was no significant difference in vertical diameter, horizontal diameter and edge diameter of walnut in different harvest periods. However, the early harvest of the core.

  • Harvesting technology of pear fruit

    Harvesting technology of pear fruit

    1. Note that toxic pesticides are prohibited in the near-mature stage, 20 days before harvest in bagging orchards and 30 days before harvest in bagging orchards. 10 days before harvest, the pear orchards with ring disease can be controlled with chlorothalonil 500 times plus green Fenwei 3 1000 times. Pear orchards damaged by pear planthoppers can be controlled with 2% global eagle 5000 times or 1.8% insecticidal mites 4000 times plus 5% acetamiprid 4000 times plus Gaojin Zengling (each branch with water 30kg) 20 days before harvest. 2. Harvesting personnel should trim their fingernails or bring cleaning.

  • What to pay attention to before cotton harvest

    What to pay attention to before cotton harvest

    It generally takes 70 days for cotton to be harvested from boll opening to harvest, so it must be harvested many times, and the time for timely flower harvest is generally 7 days after cotton boll cracking. Generally, flower harvesting has the following requirements: 1. Flower harvesting technology: mainly adopts "three clean" and "five points" flower harvesting method. "Sanjing" refers to the net plant, shell and ground when the flowers are harvested. "five points" refers to picking, drying, storing, rolling and selling. When picking cotton, good flowers, stiff petal cotton and ground cotton should be picked, dried and stored separately, and should not be mixed together.

  • How to grow garlic well?

    How to grow garlic well?

    How to grow garlic well? Please help me introduce the following on our country south most commonly used autumn sowing cultivation way for example, briefly describe each cultivation technique. 4.1 The soil preparation and fertilization before seeding are basically similar to those of Yanghu. Avoid continuous cropping, soil with fertile, well-drained sandy loam...

  • Harvesting sweet potatoes also has skills.

    Harvesting sweet potatoes also has skills.

    Sweet potato is a vegetative vegetative body, and there is no obvious maturity standard and harvest time, but the harvest sooner or later has an effect on the yield, seed retention, storage, processing and utilization of sweet potato and crop rotation. Harvest too early, will significantly reduce the yield of sweet potato; harvest too late, sweet potato is often affected by low temperature chilling injury, not resistant to storage, cutting.

  • What about the latest citrus fruit drop before harvest?

    What about the latest citrus fruit drop before harvest?

    Citrus blossoms and bears fruit, when it is about to ripen, it is the time for fruit growers to harvest hard for a year, but many growers find that their fruits begin to fall constantly, which is a great loss to farmers. So what is the cause of citrus fruit drop before harvest?

    2020-11-10 The latest citrus harvest before fruit drop how to do
  • Ministry of Agriculture issues Technical guidance on loss reduction of Mechanized Wheat harvesting in 2015

    Ministry of Agriculture issues Technical guidance on loss reduction of Mechanized Wheat harvesting in 2015

    This technical guidance is applicable to the use of full-feed combine harvester for wheat harvest. In a certain area, wheat varieties and planting patterns should be standardized and consistent as far as possible, and crop and field conditions are suitable for mechanized harvesting. Agricultural machinery operators should check and debug their machines and tools in advance.

    2016-01-10 Ministry of Agriculture release 2015 Wheat Mechanization harvesting impairment Ben
  • What about the fruit drop before citrus harvest?

    What about the fruit drop before citrus harvest?

    What about the fruit drop before citrus harvest?

  • Technical requirements for fresh fruit harvest of lemon

    Technical requirements for fresh fruit harvest of lemon

    1. The harvest of spring flowers and fruits will be carried out around October 1. 2. No water shall be irrigated into the garden 5 days before harvest, no nitrogen fertilizer shall be applied for 20 days, and no pesticide shall be applied for 30 days, so as to ensure that lemons are harvested outside the safe interval. 3. Rainy days, foggy days and dewy days in the morning. 4. Fruit picking

    2020-11-08 Species lemon fresh fruit harvest technology requirements spring flowers and fruits
  • Storage Technology of Peach and Plum Apricot

    Storage Technology of Peach and Plum Apricot

    1. The warehouse should be disinfected before entering the warehouse. 2. Peaches and plums for storage should be late-ripe peaches and plums and should be harvested at the time of medium well. 3. The following items should be paid attention to when harvesting: ① should be harvested with a stalk. ② handle gently. ③ harvest should be harvested after dew drying in sunny morning or after 3Mel 4 in the afternoon. Harvesting at noon and with dew is unfavorable for storage. Irrigation is prohibited in peach and plum orchards a week before ④ harvest. Peaches and plums harvested after rain in ⑤ are impatient.

  • How to harvest Angelica sinensis?

    How to harvest Angelica sinensis?

    How to harvest Angelica sinensis? Please introduce the direct broadcast of Angelica sinensis in autumn in the second year, transplanted in the same year, and harvested after withered and yellow plants in the middle of October. The natural conditions are different in different places, and the harvest time is also different. For example, Minxian County in Gansu Province harvested 3-5 days after Frosts Descent, Sichuan producing area harvested before and after Frosts Descent, and Yan'an in Shaanxi Province in October.

  • Harvest of Angelica sinensis

    Harvest of Angelica sinensis

    Angelica sinensis was direct seeded in autumn in the second year, transplanted in the same year, and harvested after withering and yellowing in mid-October. The natural conditions are different in different places, and the harvest time is also different. For example, Minxian County, Gansu Province, harvested 3-5 days after Frosts Descent, Sichuan producing areas harvested before and after Frosts Descent, and Yan'an, Shaanxi Province, in late October or early November. Harvest should not be too early, too late, Angelica is not yet fully mature, will reduce the yield and quality, too late, the soil freezes, the root becomes brittle, easy to break, the loss is too big. Generally speaking, it is formed by soil.

  • Problems that should be paid attention to in sweet potato harvest

    Problems that should be paid attention to in sweet potato harvest

    Sweet potato is a vegetative vegetative body, and there is no obvious maturity standard and harvest time, but the harvest sooner or later has an effect on the yield, seed retention, storage, processing and utilization of sweet potato and crop rotation. If the harvest is too early, the yield of sweet potato will be significantly reduced; if the harvest is too late, the sweet potato is often affected by low temperature and chilling injury, so it is not tolerant to storage and the cutting and drying rate decreases. Therefore, sweet potatoes must be harvested at the right time. The suitable harvest time of sweet potato should be determined according to climatic conditions, safe storage time and the arrangement of the next crop. When the ground temperature is about 18 ℃, the weight of sweet potato increases little.

  • Management experience of growing Citrus in November

    Management experience of growing Citrus in November

    1. Strengthening the management of citrus fruit quality improvement in the later stage ① focuses on reducing soil water holding capacity before fruit harvest and moderate drying of soil before fruit harvest, which is beneficial to reduce the effectiveness of nitrogen fertilizer, concentrate fruit juice, increase sugar content and maintain high acidity, and make fruit flavor strong. In autumn

    2020-11-08 Species citrus November management experience one strengthening
  • Harvesting, storage and processing of potatoes

    Harvesting, storage and processing of potatoes

    First, harvest at the right time. The storage potato should be harvested when the dry matter accumulation is the most and the tuber is fully mature. The spring potato should be harvested in the first and middle of June, and the autumn potato should be harvested in the first ten days of November without frost. No matter spring and autumn potatoes, if there is a rainy day before harvest, they should be harvested after the soil is properly dried. Just unearthed tubers, the skin is relatively tender, should be hung on the ground for 1-2 hours, wait until the potato skin surface is slightly dry before collection. But you can't bask in the sun for a long time in summer, so you should store it in a cool place in time after harvest. Strict selection should be made during storage to eliminate pathological changes and damage.

  • Lily harvest and seed retention

    Lily harvest and seed retention

    1. Timely harvest (1) vegetable edible lily can harvest the Summer Solstice before Lesser Heat, the leaves of the lower part of the lily turn yellow, the bulb hypertrophy approaches the maximum value, and the sugar content of the scale reaches the highest value. In order to strive for the high price, "green lily" can be harvested as early as late June to late June to early July for vegetable use. For edible lily balls, because of its high water content and monosaccharide content, it is not suitable for seed and storage; used for processing dried lilies, the rate of finished products is not high. (2) the leaves of lily 2ripple 3 changed before and after Greater Heat was harvested in Yihuang, a medicinal and processing lily.

  • Ma storage and fresh-keeping technology of garlic moss

    Ma storage and fresh-keeping technology of garlic moss

    From the current theoretical research and practical experience of garlic moss, the combined storage and preservation technology of low temperature, air restriction and antistaling agent is relatively successful, which can make high-quality garlic moss be stored for more than 270-300 days, or even reach annual storage, with a good seedling rate of 96%. And the stored garlic moss has bright green color, crisp texture and good flavor. 1. Operation procedure Cold Storage Disinfection and Sterilization → Select Storage resistant varieties → to determine the harvest time → pre-harvest treatment → collection, purchase → short-distance dynamic transport → heat dissipation → pre-processing → pre-cooling, sterilization → package

  • Guarantee of high yield and bumper harvest key points of mechanized harvesting technology of corn

    Guarantee of high yield and bumper harvest key points of mechanized harvesting technology of corn

    Guarantee of high yield and bumper harvest key points of mechanized harvesting technology of corn
